Good resources Communications Overview Command bytes Always 128 or greater (0x80 to 0xFF) Includes things like note on, note off, pitch bend, etc. Data bytes Always less than 127 (0x00 to 0x7F) Includes things like the pitch of the note to play, the velocity, or loudness of the note, and amount of pitch […]
Category: MIDI
MIDI General
UART 31.25KBaud (+-1%), asynchronous, 1 start, 8 data, 1 stop (31250-8-N-1) 320 uS per byte. Start bit is 0, stop bit is 1 Electrical Interface Interface 180° five-pin DIN connector MIDI devices are joined together in chains, passing the same message along a serial chain. Up to 16 receivers may be joined on one chain. […]
Midi PC Development Apps
Midi Test Interfaces We've used the Proxima Direct USB to Midi Cable under Windows 7 64bit without any problems to test Midi RX from embedded devices we're developing. Development Applications MIDI-OX