This circuit can be used to convert a power on switch to a short pulse, which can be useful for instance where you want a micrcontroller to take over keeping the power on once it has started up, allowing it to cause power off should say the system battery level become too low. Or any […]
Category: Filters
Low Pass Filters
A low-pass filter is an electronic filter which passes low-frequency signals but attenuates (reduces the amplitude of) signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. Put another way a low-pass filter is a circuit offering easy passage to low-frequency signals and difficult passage to high-frequency signals. Simple RC filter This RC filter acts as a […]
RC Filter
RC calculation T=RC, so: Time Resistance Capacitance or mS Kohms uF or Seconds ohms F The result gives you 1T. This is 1 time period. So for 1000uF and a 1K resistor T = 1000mS For charging and discharging a capacitor: 1T 63% 2T 86.5% 3T 95% (this tends to be the default usage with […]