Voltage Follower Also called a buffer. Only the OpAmp tiny bias current is drawn from the signal source. Voltage follower with output diode drop removal Non Inverting Amplifier Vout = Vin x (1 + (R2/R1)) E.g. R1=10k, R2=10K, Vin=1V, Vout=2V Only the OpAmp tiny bias current is drawn from the signal source. Inverting Amplifier The […]
Category: OpAmps
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Level shifting of the op-amp output You can use instrumentation amplifiers that include a reference input, which is used to level shift the output based on reference voltage of your choosing. Example devices: AD8420AD8421
OpAmps General
The Basics No current flows in or out of the inputs. (Well actually a small bias current does, but its small) Output goes positive if the + input is more positive than the – input. Output goes negative if the + input is more negative than the – input. Output will do whatever is necessary […]