New Project Error Could Not Find File 'c018i.o'
Enter the proper directory path in Project>Build Options…>Project > Directories tab. Set the Library Path to “C:\mcc18\lib”. PRESS APPLY!! c018i.o is the start-up library for MPLAB
There is no need to select the linker script to use or anything else
Error – Coff file format for 'C:\mcc18\lib/c018i.o' is out of date.
Caused after upgrading MPLAB / C18.
Look in Menu > Project > Build Options > Project > Directories tab
The only directory that typically needs to be set is "Library Search Path"
If is says
it needs to be changed to be:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\mplabc18\v#.##\lib"
Where V#.## is your current MPLAB version number, e.g. V3.42. Pressing the "Suite Defaults" button will do this
Remove any linker scripts of library files from the project tree window if present