Selectively including files in project build configurations See here.
Category: MPLAB X
Setting Up On A New Machine(2)
Configurations (Build Configurations)
Selectively including files in different build configurations Add all of the files to your project. Configurations dropdown (“default” plus any new ones you create) > Customize… File Inclusion/Exclusion Now select each Configuration and exclude the files you don’t want in that configuration.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Zoom text in window [SHIFT] + [CTRL] + UpArrow [SHIFT] + [CTRL] + DownArrow
List Files – XC8
If necessary enable the "Generate the ASM Listing File" option in project settings. The file lst and map files are in the "dist/default/debug directory" or "dist/default/production/" directory.
Configuration of projects
Places where your project may be configured in MPLAB X Files or directories included in compiler preprocessing Right click project > Properties > Select the configuration you are using for your project > XC16 (Global Options) > xc16-gcc > Option categories: Preprocessing and message > C include dirs This is where the basic device config […]
.MPLAB X Things to know
Watches Window There’s a button on the right of it that allows different column types to be shown so you can see multiple data types at once. If you’ve got a colum selected as the sort order it won’t allow you to drag the order of variables around. If you change the type of a […]
.Changes From MPLAB
Combining Hex Files For Bootloader Projects etc In MPLAB you could export a specific memory areas only hex file from a bootloader project and then use this: Menu > Configure > Settings > Program Loading > 'Clear program memory uploading a program' to import it into the main project so the hex files became combined. You […]
Set A Bookmark Menu > Navigate > Toggle Bookmark
Setting Default Watch Value Format Click the '$' button at the left of the watch window.
Both of these are fine: #include "display_files/output/display_files_c.h" #include "display_files\output\display_files_c.h"