TMR (using MCC)

TMR0 – IRQ This example modifies TMR0 in the IRQ to obtain a roll over every 1mS. You could use a timer with a prescaller for this, but in this example we show how it’s possible on TMR0 with no prescaller (leaving your prescaller timers available for other uses) Using your own irq function

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uS Delay

This works really well in XC8 //******************************* //******************************* //********** DELAY #uS ********** //******************************* //******************************* void ds18b20_delay_us(volatile unsigned char us_count) //input value will be in W. "Volatile" attribute prevents an "unused" warning. { #asm temp_ds18b20_dlyloop: addlw 0xFF ;1 clk 0xff=-1, 0xfe=-2, etc //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<SET AS NEEDED btfsc STATUS,0 ;1 clk will be clear if W was smaller […]

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