b[#]Any component of any type on a page. # = the “id” attribute “send component id” Uncheck to stop the object event being sent out of the UART.
Category: Nextion Editor
Compile errors Error: Are there space characters in your line of code? These will cause an error (*sigh*)
Functions on pages
You can add functions to pages by adding touch areas. Add a new function Toolbox > “Hotspot” to add a new touch area. Make it small and put it somewhere not normally touched. For example, say we have added a touch area called “m0”. Trigger the function from an object You can call this from […]
Creating A Project
Set device model and orientation Toolbar > Device ID button Toggle showing object ID’s on display preview Toolbar > “ID” button Images The Image Library is a tab of the “Fonts” window Import images by clicking Add button. Every image an ID number – if you insert or delete any images, the ID number will […]
Programming the display
Programming via SD card Press the ‘Compile’ button Select File > Open Build Folder Copy the .tft file created onto a microSD card (FAT32 formatted). Insert the microSD card into the Nextion display and power it. You will see a message confirming the code is being uploaded. Once complete the display will display a message […]
.Nextion Editor General
Installing Nextion Editor Download the editor and install https://nextion.itead.cc/resources/download/nextion-editor/ Guides https://www.itead.cc/wiki/Nextion_Editor_Quick_Start_Guide https://randomnerdtutorials.com/nextion-display-with-arduino-getting-started/ Using With Arduino Install the Nextion library for Arduino.