Setting a new project (After following the steps here) Project Properties > XC8 global options > XC8 Compiler > Select ‘Optimizations’ Speed (or disable optimizations?) & Debug checkboxes Set as needed (off and on is good for debugging) Address qualifiers – CAN BE VERY IMPORTANT!!!! If you are using anything that requires locating in specific […]
Category: .XC8 General
.Adding MCC To New Project
Adding to your project Create your MPLABX project as normal. Press the blue ‘MCC’ button on the toolbar to launch the code configurator. MCC Melody / MCC Classic / MPLAB Harmony choice (Unavailable options for your chosen device will be greyed out) “MCC Melody” is the newest that you should use if it is available […]
XC8 V2.# Compiler
Setting a new project (After following the steps here) Project Properties > XC8 global options > XC8 Compiler > Select ‘Optimizations’ Speed (or disable optimizations?) & Debug checkboxes Set as needed (off and on is good for debugging) Address qualifiers – CAN BE VERY IMPORTANT!!!! If you are using anything that requires locating in specific memory […]
Peripheral Libraries
Newer versions of XC8 want you to use the “MPLAB Code Configurator” when using any peripheral. Using the old peripheral libraries If you don’t want to use the MPLAB Code Configurator you can still get the old peripheral libraries by downloading and installing “PIC18F Legacy Peripheral Libraries v#.#” from the microchip compilers page. Install it […]
.New XC8 Project
New XC8 Projects Is your chosen PIC18 properly supported by XC8 V2 & MCC? You want it to be! The MCC release note lists the supported devices, under section “Supported devices”.The Release Note is available on the MCC page ( >> Documentation >> For Current Release >> MCC Release Notes If its not then ideally […]