Where a device has multiple PGC/PGD pin pairs you can use any of the pairs. When programming all of the pins become ready to accept a new programming sequence, its only when debugging you need to have set the correct pair in the config bits, which you can do when first programming by setting the […]
Category: PIC32
PIC32 Devices(2)
~C32 (old)(9)
~XC32 V2 (old)(26)
PIC32 Pin Notes
USB D+ & D- pins – INPUT ONLY!!! On PIC32MX695F512L the D- and D+ pins can only be used as inputs when USB bus disabled. USB ID pin On PIC32MX695F512L the USBID pin can used as GPIO (we have used as output) when USB bus disabled. UART TX On PIC32MX695F512L the U2TX can used as […]