PMP stands for “Parallel Master Port”.
PIC32’s that support iPMP generally provide the following:
- An 8 or 16 bit parallel port (pins: PMD15:PMD8 and PMD7:PMD0)
- Up to two CS pins that are triggered using address bits 15 and 14 (i.e. set the address with those bits set to cause the associated CS pins to be triggered). Optional: you can have none, CS2, or CS2 and CS1 used and you can set the state as active low or active high.
- Optional read pin PMRD
- Optional write pin PMWR (you will typically want to use one or both of these!)
- Select from two master modes: Master mode 1 = read and write strobe are combined into a single control line, PMRD/PMWR and a second control line, PMENB, determines when a read or write action is to be taken. In Master mode 2, read and write strobes (PMRD and PMWR) are supplied on separate pins.
- Operation is relatively straightforward – you can poll or configure an IRQ to load the next word/byte to be read or written, or use the DMA to do it for you with a block of data.
An example config:
//----- SETUP PMP (Parallel Master Port) -----
//Config done in MCC:
// Stop in Idle Mode bit: OFF
// PMP Mode Selection: Master mode 2 (mode 2 = read and write strobes (PMRD and PMWR) are supplied on separate pins)
// Master Mode Configuration:
// Enable Interrupts: NO
// Chip Select Function Bits: PMCS1 and PMCS2 functions as Chip Selec
// Chip Select 1 Polarity bit: Active-low
// Chip Select 2 Polarity bit: Active-low
// Data Setup Wait States: Data wait of 4 Tpbclk2
// Strobe Wait States: Wait of 2 Tpbclk2
// Data Hold Wait States: (for writes) Wait of 4 Tpbclk2 / (for reads) Wait of 3 Tpbclk2
// Transfer Size: 8-bit mode
// Address Increment Mode: No increment of decrement
// Read Strobe Enable: NO
// Write Strobe Enable: YES
// Write Stobe Polarity bit: Write strobe active low / Enable strobe active low
// Addess Port Enabe: NO
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