Setup Timers
#include <timer.h>
//----- SETUP TIMER 4/5 -----
//Used for: Heartbeat
OpenTimer45(T4_ON & T4_GATE_OFF & T4_PS_1_1 & T4_SOURCE_INT, (INSTRUCTION_CLOCK_FREQUENCY / 1000)); //1mS irq, 1:1 prescaller
ConfigIntTimer45(T4_INT_PRIOR_1 & T4_INT_ON); //Interrupt priority level 1
//----- SETUP TIMER 6 -----
//Used for: Buzzer PWM
//4000Hz = 250uS per complete PWM cycle
T6CON = 0x8000; //Timer on, 16bit, 1:1 (Fosc /2)
TMR6 = 0;
_T6IP = 4; //7(highest) to 1(lowest)
_T6IF = 0;
_T6IE = 0;
//----- SETUP TIMER 7 -----
//Used for:
//Trigger every 60uS
T7CON = 0x8000; //Timer on, 16bit, 1:1 (Fosc /2)
PR7 = (60 * 40); //40 cycles per 1uS
TMR7 = 0;
_T7IP = 3; //7(highest) to 1(lowest)
_T7IF = 0;
_T7IE = 1;
Alternatively setup 32bit timer without the library
//----- SETUP TIMER 4/5 -----
//Used for: Heartbeat
T5CONbits.TON = 0; //Stop any 16-bit Timer3 operation
T4CONbits.TON = 0; //Stop any 16/32-bit Timer3 operation
T4CONbits.T32 = 1; //Enable 32-bit Timer mode
T4CONbits.TCS = 0; //Select internal instruction cycle clock
T4CONbits.TGATE = 0; //Disable Gated Timer mode
T4CONbits.TCKPS = 0b00; //Select 1:1 Prescaler
TMR5 = 0x00; //Clear 32-bit Timer (msw)
TMR4 = 0x00; //Clear 32-bit Timer (lsw)
PR5 = (INSTRUCTION_CLOCK_FREQUENCY / 1000) >> 16; //Load 32-bit period value (msw)
PR4 = (INSTRUCTION_CLOCK_FREQUENCY / 1000) & 0xffff; //Load 32-bit period value (lsw)
_T5IP = 0x01; //Set Timer Interrupt Priority Level - 7(highest) to 1(lowest)
_T5IF = 0; //Clear Timer Interrupt Flag
_T5IE = 1; //Enable Timer interrupt
T4CONbits.TON = 1; //Start 32-bit Timer
Timer Interrupt Functions
//Timer 45 Interrupt
void __attribute__((interrupt, auto_psv)) _T5Interrupt(void)
_T5IF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag
//Timer 6 interrupt
void __attribute__((interrupt, auto_psv)) _T6Interrupt(void)
_T6IF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag
//Timer 7 interrupt
void __attribute__((interrupt, auto_psv)) _T7Interrupt(void)
_T7IF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag
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