fatal error: ‘p18f23k22.h’ file not found
You no longer include the device specific header file like this:
#include <p18f23k22.h>
Instead you include this file:
#include <xc.h>
This header file is typically included into each C source file you write. It is a generic header file that will include other device- and architecture-specific header files when you build your project.
#asm – error: invalid preprocessing directive
Project properties > XC8 Global Options: change “C Standard” from “C 99” to “C 90”.
Also do for XC8 Global Options > XC8 Linker > Link in C library
It will now accept “#asm”. This is the official reason: “In-line assembly The #asm … #endasm form of inline assembly is no longer accepted when building for C99. The asm() form of inline assembly is now the only way to embed assembly instructions inline with C code.”