PIC32 stores 32bit words with address incrementing by 4 for each instruction
PIC32's implement two address schemes: virtual and physical.
All hardware resources (program memory, data memory and peripherals) are located at their respective physical addresses.
Virtual addresses are exclusively used by the CPU to fetch and execute instructions as well as access peripherals.
Physical addresses are used by bus master peripherals, such as DMA and the Flash controller, that access memory independently of the CPU.
KSEG0 and KSEG1 both translate to the same physical memory. They are created as separate memory segments because KSEG0 can be cached by the application whilst KSEG1 cannot:
KSEG0 is cacheable
KSEG1 is not cacheable. On chip peripherals are only accessible through this segment (SFR not present in the KSEG0 memory range)
Storing Constants In Program Memory At A Fixed Address
The following works for V2.00 and above of the C32 compiler
Setting the values in program memory
const BYTE firmware_prog_memory_values[] __attribute__((section("firmware_prog_memory_values"),address(FLASH_FIRMWARE_VALUES_LOCATION), space(prog))) =
Reading the values in your code
dw_temp.Val = p_flash[0];
magic_marker.v[1] = dw_temp.v[0];
magic_marker.v[0] = dw_temp.v[1];
C32 Storing in program memory example
From USB Device – Mass Storage – Internal Flash Demo – XC32 – PIC32MX460F512L PIM.mcp
//.MDD_FILES doesn't need to have been defined in the linker script etc, its just a name to be applied to this
//space(prog) forces the allocation into program memory - newer version of the C32 compiler changed from stored const memory in program memory to ram for some unknown reason
#define MY_ATTRIBUTES __attribute__ ((aligned (ERASE_BLOCK_SIZE),section(".MDD_FILES"),space(prog)))