Simple Debounce Only

;debounce the switches
	movf sw_inputs_0,w
	andwf sw_inputs_0_last,w
	movwf switches_debounced_0
	movf sw_inputs_0,w
	movwf sw_inputs_0_last

Detect New Keypresses Too

#define	SW_LCD_BRIGHTNESS_UP_PRESSED	b0_switches_debounced_0,0
#define	SW_LCD_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN_PRESSED	b0_switches_debounced_0,1

;----- NEW KEYPRESSES -----
#define	SW_LCD_BRIGHTNESS_UP_NEW	b0_switches_new_0,0
#define	SW_LCD_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN_NEW	b0_switches_new_0,1

;********** READ SWITCHES **********
	clrf	b0_switches_new_0
	btfss	b0_do_sw_read			;Set by heartbeat timer every 10mS
	bcf	b0_do_sw_read

;Get switch input states
	clrf	b0_temp
	btfss	porta,3
	bsf	b0_temp,0
	btfss	porta,4
	bsf	b0_temp,1
	movf	b0_temp,w
	andwf	b0_sw_inputs_0_last,w
	movwf	b0_switches_debounced_0
;Flag new button presses
	xorwf	b0_switches_debounced_last_0,w
	andwf	b0_switches_debounced_0,w
	movwf	b0_switches_new_0
;Store last registers
	movf	b0_switches_debounced_0,w
	movwf	b0_switches_debounced_last_0
	movf	b0_temp,w
	movwf	b0_sw_inputs_0_last

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